Nathan John Bowen (nbowen)
Connected studies and activities

Genevieve Genome Report Cross-Genome Error Check GenomiX Genome Exploration Gencove openSNP Twitter Archive Analyzer Personal Data Notebooks Imputer 23andMe Upload AncestryDNA Upload Genome/Exome Upload Data sharing and ethical oversight Harvard Personal Genome Project Wild Life of Our Homes Public Data Sharing
About me

PhD, Genetics Assistant Professor Atlanta Area Prostate Cancer Research My laboratory uses a combination of biological approaches including genomic, computational/bioinformatic, evolutionary, molecular, cellular and developmental methods for an integrated approach to prostate cancer research concentrated on identifying the underlying cause of observed disparities in prostate cancer incidence rates between men with different genetic ancestries now living in the United States to develop effective strategies for prevention and treatment of prostate cancer in all men.

Public data

23andMe Upload

(23.6 MB) 23andMe full genotyping data, original format
(9.0 MB) 23andMe full genotyping data, VCF format

AncestryDNA Upload

(18.0 MB) AncestryDNA full genotyping data, original format
(18.0 MB) AncestryDNA full genotyping data, original format
(29.2 MB) AncestryDNA full genotyping data, VCF format
(29.2 MB) AncestryDNA full genotyping data, VCF format

Harvard Personal Genome Project

(9.1 KB) PGP Harvard survey data, JSON format.
(246.8 MB) PGP Harvard genome, Complete Genomics var file format.
(32.2 MB) PGP Harvard genome, VCF file. Derived from Complete Genomics var file.